Hey Mama Hey!
What do you do when everything in your life is going perfectly and then, suddenly it's not? How do you get back to your inner peace when you're juggling motherhood, work, side hustling...? In this episode, Brandi shares how she was able to move from overwhelm, and batting personal pandemics to welcome the peace God wanted to bless her with. Brandi also shares how she had to be willing to release the facade and idea of making "it look good" or like she had it all together and really sit with what she was struggling with so she could move from simply surviving as a woman, mom, daughter and phenomenal woman to thriving. Connect with Brandi Facebook | Instagram Follow When She Thrives on Instagram | Facebook | Youtube Learn more about Scenes From A Single Mom
Hey Mama!
What do you do when you realize you've been living your life for other people or allowing society to dictate who you are? How do you handle the reality that you haven't been being true to yourself? In this weeks episode, Kecia Chantel shares how she HAD to make a shift because her cycle of toxic relationships broke her - before she could break the cycle. She also talks about the pressures of checking the boxes of societal success, and looking successful on social media when behind closed doors everything is falling apart. Plus, she spills the tea about how she began to change her life from the inside out after hitting a very low point in her life. Grab your journal and tune in! Connect with Kecia Chantel Facebook | Instagram Follow When She Thrives on Instagram | Facebook | Youtube Learn more about Scenes From A Single Mom
Hey Mama Hey!
This week we are joined by Kelli Shakur, Founder of FroGang Foundation and When She Thrives 2021 Changemaker Honoree. FroGang is a movement that unapologetically promotes, empowers, and encourages afros and the wear of natural hair. We promote and create a positive self images for girls and women of color. Have you been challenged with embracing the natural hair movement? Do you want to learn to love your natural hair and teach your daughter to love and care for her fro as well? In this episode, Kelli shares how her own natural hair journey, and love for the youth led her to create a foundation and programming to support black girls, young women and their families to learn to love and care for their hair to help build their confidence, self-esteem and leadership skills from the inside out. Connect with FroGang Foundation Facebook | Instagram Follow When She Thrives on Instagram | Facebook | Youtube Learn more about Scenes From A Single Mom
Hey Mama Hey! Have you ever had struggles with your mama that impacted every area of your life? This week we are chatting with Scenes From A Single Mom Volume IV Author, Ashysria Gatewood about the challenging relationship she had with her mom growing up and how it has impacted her motherhood journey.
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